Sunday, November 20, 2011

To Do:

On the agenda for this Thanksgiving week:

-eat more french fries.  They are the solution to most of life's problems.  They have to be hot though. With a lot of salt. 

-head on over to the dentist for a root canal on Tuesday morning.  Yay.   My new dentist is named Scott.  I have too many Scott's in my life already, but the new Scott and I have a standing date every Tuesday morning for the next few weeks.  Oh yes, the root canal is only the beginning of a long and intricate relationship.

-get Audrey to the orthodontist (whose name is Brett and not Scott, thank heavens), on Tuesday afternoon so she can get her braces on.  Two hours after my root canal and two days before Thanksgiving seemed like a  really fabulous time to get braces.

-explain Pilgrims to Olivia.  She has them confused with Pocahontus and John Smith.

-contemplate Black Friday and pour over all the ads.  Will there be something enticing enough to drag myself out of bed for at 3 am this Friday morning? Probably not, especially because we are jumping on to the Less is More  bandwagon this year.  I was converted last year to this idea of getting your kids four things for Christmas: something they want, something they need, something to wear, and something to read.  I found it too late last year, after I was already completely burnt out / spent out / wigged out over Christmas shopping, but I vowed that this year would be different.  So we started early, talking up this plan to the kids.  They aren't thrilled with it, but we are gonna stick to it.  It is going to simplify the next month of my life like nobody would believe!  And I'm going to stock up on some anti-anxiety meds  for myself onChristmas Eve, when I start having panic attacks that my kids are going to be scarred for life over not having enough presents to open on Christmas morning.

Oh yeah, and save room for pie!

1 comment:

Alisa said...

I want a pie :( Be sure to post pictures of Thanksgiving/Audrey's braces.