Saturday, May 21, 2011

Birthday Guests

Well, we didn't mean to schedule Olivia's birthday party for the day before the world ended.  It just worked out that way.  But if it really had been the last day of life as we know it, I can't think of a better way to spend it than with a bunch of six year old girls, watching their eyes go big and their mouths drop open as Ariel the mermaid walked into the house and announced she was there for Olivia's birthday party.

It turned out to be the best thing we could have done for her party, if only because Olivia loved it so much. She could not take her eyes off Ariel, and kept hugging her and telling her how beautiful she was and how much she loved her.

Olivia got crowned as the birthday princess.  We had spent the last few days talking about being a nice hostess at your own birthday party, and being generous and making sure all your guests have a really great time.  So I was a little worried when Ariel announced that the birthday princess always gets to go first at the games, and be the first to choose songs and activities.  But Olivia took it all in stride and was a perfect angel.  No meltdowns, no tears, it was a fantabulous birthday party.  Everybody had fun, played mermaid games and sang songs and listened to Ariel tell her story.   Then they got their picture taken and got to make a crown.  I got to sit around and take pictures.  Happy Happy Happy.

 Ariel had to take a few tough questions too.  A few of the better ones:

"My mom says mermaids aren't real."  (answer: well, here I am.  You just never know.)

"Where are your clam shells?  'Cuz I have a doll of you and her clam shells NEVER stay on! (I don't think she really had an answer for this one)

"I saw you in Disneyland.  You kissed my brother and embarrassed him." (answer: I remember him. He was so cute!)

"Can you come to my house? I live right around the corner!" ( maybe, but you have to ask your mom)

"Why are you driving a car?" (because they don't like me to take my carriage on the freeway)

"Where do you live?" (I live in Denmark.  I came a long way for Olivia's party.)

Audrey and her friend were at the party too, and the funny thing was they were every bit as enchanted with Ariel as the little girls were. They got their pictures taken and made crowns and played all the games.  When Ariel said she lived in Denmark, Audrey's friend leaned over to me and whispered, "Did she really come from Denmark?" 

Just goes to show you-  they might look like big girls, but they are really still just pretending.  A princess can still win them over pretty easily.

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