Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Olivia is learning to read, and she has a whole list of common words that she is supposed to know by sight, so we go over them every night to help her learn them all. One of the words is "but". She cannot read this word without giggling. You would think the humor would wear off after the 12th or 13th time, but no. Every time she reads that word, she laughs, which makes me laugh.

Then, the other day, she had another of her brilliant observations. "Have you ever noticed, Mom," she asked me, "that your mouth is just like a vacuum? It just sucks up everything you put in front of it." I hope she was speaking in generalities, and not just specifically about MY mouth, but either way, she is right on.

Audrey is writing the great American novel. I'm pretty sure it is going to be a best seller one day. I can't divulge any plot points, because she doesn't want anybody to steal her ideas, but I have read the introduction, and the girl definitely has a fascinating story line going. I can't wait to see where it goes.

Will. Will has me roped into letting everybody take a day off school tomorrow. He claims that at one point I told them all that every April 19 we were going to take the day off and go do something fun together. I have no memory of saying this, but it sounds like one of the hare-brained ideas I might have had. Unfortunately, Will didn't tell me any of this until after I was already to scheduled to work on April 19, so we are going to take tomorrow instead. Yes. It is true. I am a sucker.

Duncan left for school on Monday morning at 7 AM as usual, and before 8 AM, he was calling to tell us he had puked in class. I was already on my way to work, so Dan had to go get him. He was perfectly fine the rest of the day, enjoyed his video games all day and ate a big dinner. Nobody else has gotten sick, so it must have just been his lucky day. Vomit is always a no-fail excuse to get yourself sent home.

Alisa is in the home stretch for wrapping up the semester at USU, and then she is moving in with Grandma and Grandpa for the summer! She needs to save rent money and get a full time job that pays big bucks so she can go play all next year in France. It'll be weird not having her in Logan anymore. Who am I going to eat Oreos with when I get snowed in after work?  On the bright side, we will get to see lots more of her when she gets moved.  Which will make us miss her all the more when she is gone.

Mitch is officially registered for classes at Weber State! He's been working hard to save up some money, and now he will start there in the fall. I must admit there were a few days there in his middle school years where I had my doubts about him ever getting through high school, let alone college. He is really ready for it though, and is actually looking forward to being back in school. He is going to be working close to full time too, so he will be a busy boy, but busy is good.

As for the parents of the aforementioned crew, between paying for everything, and keeping everybody fed and smelling reasonably good, we stay pretty busy too.  I worked in Salt Lake yesterday, so Dan and I were able to carpool, which was really nice, both in time spent and money saved. So I MIGHT start weighing my options about working a little closer to home.  Gas at $4.00/gallon is making for a pricey commute.

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