Saturday, April 30, 2011

Getting While the Getting's Good

This was not a quiet, relaxing Saturday.

It was a crazy Saturday.

But we had fun.  So it was worth it.

Here is our itinerary:

9:00 am.  Audrey had a mother daughter activity in downtown Salt Lake City- a tour of the Beehive House and Temple Square that she really really wanted to go to.   This is the SECOND WEEKEND IN A ROW we have had to be up early for a church activity.  Cruel and unusual punishment is what comes to mind.  Have any of the overachievers  around here ever heard of starting at 10 am?  Would that be so bad?  Oh, and wait- here is the other shoe dropping:  Audrey was at Grandma and Grandpa's house with all the other kids, having stayed there Friday night while her neglectful mother spent the weekend in Wendover.  That is why I found myself heading south on I-15 at 8 am on a Saturday morning.....with Dan, who was picking up Will to take him to a....

10 am movie screening of THOR.  It was at Gateway, so at least it was convenient, that if we had to drive to Murray through snow on the last day of April on a Saturday morning  we were going to the same place.   Can you believe there was six inches of snow at Grandma's house?  None in Syracuse thank heavens.

So after the morning activities ended, at roughly the same time, we rendezvoused on South Temple and went back to Grandmas to get the other kids before our....

2:00 pm meeting with our contractor guy who is doing our basement!!!! Exciting, eh? He was supposed to come give us a bid today.   He texted me and said he was going to be 20 minutes late.  So I don't know why he acted all surprised when he texted me again, at exactly 2:00 pm,  wondering where we were, because he was at my house.  Hey if you aren't going to be late, don't text me and tell me you ARE going to be late, because chances are pretty good I won't be there!!  But he waited for us, and we talked sheetrock and sump pumps and such,  so it was all cool.  And the very minute he left, we piled Audrey and Olivia back into the car (Duncan and Will were invited, but opted out) and headed to our next destination which was meeting up with my boss at.....

3:00 at the Ogden Dinosaur Park, which we almost didn't find because we misplaced Ogden Canyon in our minds.   We weren't really planning on going there today, or we would have mapped it out a little better.  Somewhere in the middle of my phone breaking (another delightful part of the story) and being late for the contractor, we got a last minute invite to go.  And since I had just purchased half price passes online two days earlier, it seemed like serendipity, so we crammed it in.  And it was great, even though Olivia was freaked out by the animatronic dinosaurs, until she realized they were just big puppets and then she didn't want to leave them.  And we talked to a cool dinosaur paleontologist who let us touch real fossilized dinosaur skin from a griposaur. And he told Olivia that if she ever discovers a dinosaur, she gets to name it Oliviasaurus.

We left there about 5:30, stopped at T-Mobile on the way home to attempt to repair my phone, (unsuccessful), threw in some chicken enchiladas for dinner, courtesy of Grandma, then watched snippets of the royal wedding on TV.  Olivia thinks the princess should have married Harry instead of William.  She thinks he is more handsome.  She also wondered where the bad guy was.  In her experience, all princesses have a bad guy after them.  That may be true.

With all the running around today, it's a good thing gas isn't at $4.00 a gallon or anything. If THAT ever happened we'd have to stay home. Hopefully we'll have a finished basement to stay in though.

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