Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Persistent Reality

Oh, how I wish I had something else to write about besides the never-ending home improvement projects that have taken over our lives. On the other hand, I guess if I am perseverating (now there's a big word for you, from my psych ward days) on home improvement, that would mean there is relative peace in other areas of my life. I can indeed think of many things I am very happy I am not writing about.

It is 11 pm on Tuesday and we are spending the night in Logan. The kids are asleep on the floor in their old bedrooms. I am taking a breather from my paint project. We have been cleaning up most of the night, trying to get this old place showable. Our property manager is coming over tomorrow night to take some video of the house to show his clients, so we are working on a deadline now. Deadlines are good. Deadlines make things happen. If it was just up to me, it would probably take another month to get the house ready and rentable. But time is quickly becoming money, and we need to get some money coming out of this place very soon. I am going to be a nervous nellie until we find a renter. Then I will find something else to be a nervous nellie about. It's a genetic disease.

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