Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Change of Heart

I got my Livvi back today. After five days at Grandma's, she said she was ready to come home, but then when it was time to actually say goodbye to Grandma, the tears came. She cried all the way home and told me I had ruined her heart by taking her away from her Grandma. As soon as we got home, it was time to head out to swimming, which seemed to put her back into her old mindset. She did great at swimming, then came home and devoured two plates of spaghetti, had a bath and went right to bed. It appears that her heart is not ruined after all, thank heavens.

I am supposed to be registering her for kindergarten this week. Before I register her, I have to correct the name on her birth certificate. No, I have never officially filed the corrected birth certificate, and yes, it has been hanging on my fridge for nearly four years now. But if we don't do it before she goes to kindergarten, then we have to go see a judge and pay a big fee. Guess that means it is high time to once and for all decide what this poor child's name is going to be.

But beyond all that, would someone mind explaining to me exactly when she grew up, and where did the past five years go?

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