Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Today's List, and Maybe Tomorrow's Too

Mostly for my own sanity, here is my to do list for the next couple days:

-get car fixed
-get other car cleaned out and released to insurance company
-get home inspection done and paid for
-make copies of all our financial stuff for mortgage company, for the third time
-track down another long list of stuff for mortgage company
-get signed with property managment company for this house
-fix window
-shop for Will's birthday
-celebrate Will's birthday
-check into new insurance for both homes and cars
-take back that one darned really expensive Christmas gift that I put on the credit card then wound up not needing.
-take back the printer ink I bought last night and didn't need
-worry about Alisa's extra tuition bill, which I though we already paid in December.

I think that's about it. Other than the regular stuff, like working, eating, cleaning, laundry, and making sure my kids still know what I look like.

After all that, if I have ten bucks left, I'm going to a movie.

**Wow, lists help. Actually looking at, it looks much more manageable than when it was just in my head.

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