Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Yesterday we visited the house that will hopefully soon be our new home. Right now, it's still just a house. It was the first time the kids have seen it. Fortunately, they all approved.

This is not a great shot of it, but the deciding factor for us was the front porch. We are big suckers for having a place to sit on the front of your house. It's an almost fair compensation for having almost no back yard. The porch, and the fact that as of now, this house is at the end of a dead end street with a big old farm field next door. I'm pretty sure that field will be houses in the not too distant future, but for now, it's nice.
The family room/dining area could be bigger, but it sure beats what we currently have. And I didn't get a picture of it, but the laundry room is awesome!

Here is the other deciding factor for us. Not so much what you do see in this picture of the master bathroom, but what you don't see, which would be the toilet, which you can't see because it is in it's own separate room! Really, does it get much cooler than that?

And here are the troops, enjoying their brand new family room. It took them about 3 minutes to inspect the house, pick out their bedroom, and grant their approval. We should have just let them pick the house in the first place.
As it was, we looked at 25 houses in about 2 weeks. Probably closer to 40 if you count everything we looked at since last summer. This house had everything we needed, and most of what we wanted. The only thing I really would have liked is a fireplace. And it would have been nice if we could have gotten that basement family room finished. That is one thing we are going to have to get done. Sheetrock anyone?

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