You would think that making a two hour round trip, deciding on a house, negotiating a contract with the agent, writing a check for earnest money and putting in an offer on that house would be quite enough for one day. But on top of all that, there were still carpools to drive, doctor appointments to go to, orchestra and swimming lessons to attend, and kids to pay attention to. Will's cursed history fair project is due next week, Duncan is starting accutane ( a MAJOR paperwork headache all by itself), we have both of their birthdays in the imminent future, and in the meantime the house I currently own is falling apart. My poor starving kids need dinner, the whiny dog needs to be let out, the laundry awaits, and there is a large pile of bills to be sorted through.
I have too much stuff in my head to think about, too many things to do, and not enough brain power to pay attention to both of them at the same time. Thank heavens Olivia went to stay with Grandma tonight. Now I am off to the store to hunt down dinner and buy some more Benadryl. I am going to need it tonight!
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