Wednesday, January 7, 2009


So we have lots of big kids in a little house that is waaay too far away from our main source of income. And we have to move. And it's really scary, and expensive, and we have been putting it off for three years, partly for some really compelling reasons and partly because we are just plain terrified of all the unknowns. And there are lots of really big, really ugly, really scary unknowns for us these days. Oh, and I can't figure out how to sell a house that needs a ton of work and holds six tons of kid crap. Daunting.

But we are quickly running out of excuses for putting this thing off. And it is becoming more and more apparent that the most important thing for all of us is to live together under one roof on a much more regular basis, before all the kids grow up and leave.

So, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that 2009 will be the Year of the Big Move, I hope. We have made plans in this direction before, and have been derailed, but if there is any way for us to make this happen, it better be this year.

When I look around and see the scary unknowns that other people are facing, my unknowns seem pretty insignificant. But I still don't like stepping off a cliff into the darkness, and that is kind of what all this feels like. We are pretty secure here. Giving that up is terrifying.

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