Sunday, January 4, 2009

At Home, At School, At Play

More New Years changes-

-Livvi is a Sunbeam now. She'd rather be in nursery. I don't blame her...Snacks, toys, free time; and shoes are optional. She is being very brave about it all though.

-I found my scriptures! Or rather, Alisa retrieved my scriptures from her room when she did the big clean up. She borrowed them last summer when she went to girls camp, and never
bothered to tell me. Or return them.

-School starts up again tomorrow. Back to the old grind. But the sooner we start, the sooner we can get the dreaded science and history fairs out of the way, so bring it on. And Mitch starts his CNA classes tomorrow too.

-It is miserably, dreadfully, unbelievably COLD up here. Like 11 degrees was the high today. There are always a few days in January where we ask ourselves why the heck we live here. Today was one of those days.

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