Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas Present

We've had ourselves a merry little Christmas around here so far. Now that the BIG day is over, the stress is off, and everybody's holiday anxiety has eased, the real merriment has begun. We have all been laying around the house, spending unsavory amounts of time in our new pajamas, watching movies, playing video games and eating embarrassing quantities of junk food. It's been lovely. In fact, if the day ever comes that I am independently wealthy, I kind of worry that I might never get dressed and leave my house again.

We did get out the door to take the kids sledding today. We had a really great time too, for about 20 minutes, until the biting, freezing wind and blowing snow forced us back into our car. It was so cold-I had my down coat on, a knit hat on my head, and my hood pulled up around the hat; and my ears were still aching from cold. It took about 15 minutes for everybody's cheeks to thaw out, and stop tingling, once we were back in the warm. We got about a foot of snow Christmas night, and since then, it has been Antarctica-like around here. So for tonight we are staying home again, nesting, and rearranging our family room to make space for the new TV Santa brought us. Dan wanted a TV, I wanted a new computer. Dan won that debate by promising to be a good boy and clean out and repaint the basement. So really, I won.

1 comment:

The Metcalf Five said...

Sounds like a great Christmas. Gavin wants to know who got the skull hoddie....