Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Literature and Lipstick

So we turned off the cable a few months ago, and THIS:

is what happens at our house after dinner now. I didn't nag, cajole, or even suggest. All three of them just naturally head for the books now instead of the TV. Which is what prompted us to add our WELL READ BOOKS list to our blog, so we can keep track of what we all have read lately.
It's really pretty amazing. Of course, while I was admiring my literate children with their noses buried in their books, THIS:

is what was happening in the kitchen. And her bedroom. And down the stairs. By the time I caught up to her, most of the wall and cabinet space in the kitchen, right about the 3 foot level, was decorated with lovely red lipstick. And so was she.

I think she had as much fun cleaning it up as she did putting it on!!

Happy Election Day!

1 comment:

The Metcalf Five said...

so very cool about the lack of cable and their tendency to read now. As for the lipstick incident...I had to laugh. Laurel does stuff like that to me all the time. She is my child that has made ALL the messes that parents lament about....and then some.