Saturday, October 4, 2008

Socks, or the Lack Thereof

It's been a quiet, rainy Saturday around here. Dan left at 6:30 this morning for a job in Pocatello and I am catching up on laundry.

It occurred to me today that if I could only find a way to make money off of all the mismatched socks at our house, I would be a millionaire!

 But instead of making money on old socks, I am off to Wally World to spend money on new socks for Miss Livvi Grace, who has none. We found this out today, as we were searching her drawer for socks. Today was the first day she really needed something warm on her feet and we could find nothing. Not one pair. I'm pretty sure she wore socks last winter, but don't ask me what happened to them. My guess is they are hanging out at the secret sock society with all our other lost sock mates. Sock mates? Are they related to soul mates?

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